The Greensand Ridge Bronze Sculptures

The Greensand Ridge Bronze Sculptures
A special selection of animals are represented and celebrated in Bronze for the Greensand Ridge conservation projects

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Sand Martin Sculpture response

The New Sand Martin sculptures being developed for the project were first revealed and enjoyed at the Great Yorkshire Show

Friday, 25 March 2011


Famous Dormouse  on its Hazelnut cluster

Celebrated as Life sized Bronze

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Sand Martin Sculpture

A beautiful group of sculptures of life sized Sand Martins are due to be one of the special sculptures on exhibition in October - the Trust project leaders are still looking for Sponsors to help with this Sculpture - which will help raise funds and awareness of conservation issues for Martins, Swallows and Swifts and other Wildlife.

If you can help with Sponsorship or would like to own one of this edition please contact JOEL at the Tenon Studio

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Little Owl Cast and Making friends

The Little Owl Sculpture - edition number one, with a ladybird and eight other creatures, was cast in time to be shown with other work by JOEL at the CLA Game Fair and the 2010 Bird Fair.

The sculpture of the Little Owl  was popular at both events  drawing people to the stand to find out more about the sculpture and the conservation message.

People were delighted to discover the small creatures among the Ivy at the rear of the  fence post and to hear about their message for  us to value them and their habitat.

The Sculptress JOEL was also present at the Bird Fair with A Rocha and was making the new Sand Martin in flight which will also be amongst the Bronzes at the exhibition in Woburn October 2011

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

The Greensand Ridge Little Owl Sculpture progress

The Little Owl on fencepost  has been taken to the foundry for casting

Conserving creatures

part of the special sculpture of the Little Owl  sitting on a fence post...can you count the nine different species on the post amongst the ivy?

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Little Dormouse and Blackberry

A special collectible to celebrate the Dormouse with the  tiny front paws gripping the Blackberry